Friday, February 19, 2010

Lucky Number Seven

The beautiful roses Nathan bought me to celebrate our seven years together.

Valentine's day was this past Sunday. Nathan and I decided to keep this day fairly low-key. After all, I am huge and moving around is just not as easy as it used to be. We started our Sunday going to Union and then headed home to spend some quality time together. Later that evening we went out to dinner at one of our local restaurant favorites - Aladdin's. We then bought some frozen yogurt from Giant, headed home and watched the Olympics.

My meal of rice, beans and vegetables.

Nathan's meal of Spinach and Feta Pita Wrap

What was special about our day, though, was that we have been together for seven years. We had our first kiss on Valentine's day exactly seven years ago. Most relationships hit a seven year itch, where you tend to re-evaluate your relationship, and the outcome is usually not so good.

We are lucky though. Our philosophy is seven years down, a lifetime to go.

Thank you for being my soulmate and my best friend. I love you beyond words.

Nathan & Me (31 weeks), February 14, 2010

If Only I Liked Vampires

On Friday, February 12th I went to visit the hematologist, as recommended by our delivery doctors. A little bit of history:

In high school, I started getting sick a lot as a sophomore. I came down with bronchitis one winter and then next fall had mono and strep at the same time. My senior year, I was getting strep almost every other month and the doctors finally agreed to take my tonsils out. Easy, right? Not so much.

At Bethesda Naval, they kept testing my blood and knew something was wrong, but did not pinpoint it for about 5 months. Every month I would go in and they would draw vials upon vials of blood. My mom and I started to joke that they were secretly trying to clone me with all the blood they drew. Well, finally they diagnosed me with von Willebrand's disease, which is basically a deficiency in clotting factor 8 in my blood. I was still able to undergo surgery, I just had to take a pill (yes, a pill after getting my tonsils removed!) every few hours for 24 hours.

Fast forward to today. Our delivery doctors were concerned about the vW's diagnosis and wanted me to see the hematologist to make sure my levels were normal enough to deliver without any medications. They took 8 vials of blood to test. Other Meredith must have been depleted.

I haven't heard any results yet, but the doctor said that the extra estrogen from pregnancy actually helps normalize blood clotting levels and that based on my history, I most likely have a very mild form of vW.

Praise God for all of this because we still want to birth naturally without any interventions or medications! Hopefully we will continue to stay on track!

My arm, 8 vials of blood later!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Is this Normal?

We *hopefully* have 11 more weeks to go before this little guy changes our lives forever, and while I definitely have moments of renowned joy, I am also starting to worry. Worry and I have been friends for quite some time. As a little girl, I was worried no one would like me; as a high-schooler I was constantly worried about my GPA; and as I have grown into adulthood, I worry about being a good wife to my husband, having a successful career (whatever that may now look like) and being a Godly woman. Yes, worry and I are indeed close. And once again, we have formed another connection - being a mother.

It isn't like I don't have any clue for impending mommyhood - although, there is a stack of books I need to read that are starting to get dusty. I have dreamed about becoming a mother for a LONG time. I was your girly-girl who would carry around her cabbage patch dolls and love on them and cradle them in my arms. I grew up babysitting for others' children and really enjoyed all the fun that brought to my life, and I have been told by many that I was, "just going to be a great mom" (no pressure!). But now as the time draws near for me to actually BE a mother, I am starting to doubt myself.

Can I handle the constant feedings, the diaper changes, the loneliness of being a stay at home mom? Will I show him God's love everyday and help raise him with strong faith? Will I help make the right decisions as far as his diet, his vaccination schedule, education, even disposable versus cloth diapers?!? Will I know how to hold him just right when he is crying and soothe him so his fears quickly fade away?

Is it normal to have these fears, worries and doubts? I know prayer is definitely needed in this time - but, am I totally alone here?