Friday, September 11, 2009

God's Sense of Humor

On August 18th, I decided I needed to know. Nathan was traveling in Minnesota at the time for SCOR training, but we both had our suspicions. We decided we would wait until the Saturday he came home, but I just could not wait - I had to know.

It took about two minutes until I discovered:

We are pregnant!

I immediately cried, smiled and thanked God for this wonderful blessing. My next thought was how I would break the news to Nathan. I didn't want to tell him over the phone or video chat (yes we are Mac nerds), so I kept the news to myself for 4 days - 4 very long days!

I went to Target and Buy Buy Baby and found a cute white onesie with a little monkey on it (after all we have no idea what the sex is!) and a sweet book called, "Daddy Cuddles."
As Nathan walked in the door after midnight, I greeted him and anxiously waited for him to come into our room where I hid the gifts under his pillow. He found them and opened the card first, which had a sentimental message and most importantly, a positive pregnancy test in it!

Then he opened his first Daddy presents, we hugged, and then went to bed to get ready for our early alarm for the DC Schools project.

The moral of the story, just when you think you are going to start down a path in your life (such as writing a blog about you and your husband's life), God lets you know that He is ultimately in charge. And, thank goodness He is - our lives are truly blessed because of it!

DC Schools Project

In late August, Nathan and I participated in McLean's second annual DC Schools Project. Last year we worked with Union and had a great time, so it was an easy 'yes' for this year. The only difference was this time we volunteered as Captains.

Saturday, we woke up extra early to pick Sarah up and grab some Starbucks, then we were off to American University.
We met the rest of our team and went to our next stop - our school: Mamie D. Lee in Northwest. This school is dedicated to special needs children and we were so excited to help.
Our tasks for the day were to clean up garbage around the school (a task Sarah and I handled quite well!) and to paint either the parking stripes or the doors.

The volunteers we worked with were wonderful and the new principal, Lisa Grillo, was sweet and you could tell how passionate she is for the school. With all of us working together, we finished our job around 1:00 PM and headed to 18th St. for some lunch with other Union couples.
Serving with Nathan is such a gift that makes us a stronger couple. I'm lucky to have a husband who is willing to step out of his comfort zone and give back in the spirit of Christ! I can hardly wait for the rest of this year's Union Serve events!