Last night, Nathan changed Holden and two minutes later, we heard the s'plosion sound in his pants. Normally, we laugh it off and change him again, but this time, another two minutes later, he did it AGAIN.
We fully expected our little one to go through many diaper changes, but have been a little overwhelmed at his bladder. It is almost like he knows when a nice new, clean diaper is on him just so he can do his biznas. We've tried to wait and encourage him to get everything out, but that usually backfires on us with a screaming Holden.
So with all these diaper changes, I've been wondering if we should make the switch to cloth. I'm not concerned with the price because disposable diapers are expensive too. What I don't understand is how you clean a cloth diaper. Number 1 I'm guessing you just soak and then wash - but what the heck do you do with a number 2 diaper? I can't imagine you just put that in your washer - wouldn't it mess up your pipes??? Plus, we have a front loader and I've read that cleaning cloth diapers in a FL can be more difficult/odor lingers/not enough rinse/etc.
If any of you Mamas use cloth, do you have any advice and do you recommend a certain brand of cloth? I'm currently looking at FuzziBunz, Flip and want to research BumGenius, and the all in one definitely appeals to me. Let me know your thoughts!
Holden's favorite spot is the changing table. If he is crying, we place him on the table and he becomes quite content. Maybe we should install a magazine rack for him.
All changed and clean - perfect for another mess!
The finished product!

You probably know we do cloth. I will send you my email on the matter. We use Bum Genius and pre-folds. We don't soak anything...we use a dry pail. #2, what does roll off (which at his stage, probably nothing rolls off!), we just give a swirl in the toilet and we're good to go.
ReplyDeleteI totally encourage you to do it!
BumGenius All-in-ones are awesome! Dry pail 'em, don't soak, rinse the newborn poopies (you can get an attachment on your toilet to do this...I use the utility sink in our basement that we never use anyway.) Big kid no 2's go in the toilet. Never had a problem in the wash. I do a rinse cycle first in the washer, then a soap cycle, then another rinse cycle. No stains, no smells! Don't know about front loaders though, sorry! Good luck!
ReplyDeletewe use cloth too! We only use BumGenius one-sized diapers. I LOVE them. But we didn't start until she was about 3 months - only cause the amount of laundry i would have to do was overwhelming in the beginning! In the long run it has saved us a TON of money, and they are so darn cute!
ReplyDeleteAnd because BreasMilk poops are so liquidy i just throw it in the washer (one cycle on cold with no det. just to get rid of junk). I would be glad to bring a few over for you to try out!