Sunday Holden turned one month old! I know it might seem silly to celebrate, but it has been an amazing month. To take an idea from super mom Dana Beam, here are a few memories from our first month with Holden.
What has been the best part?:
Meredith: There are way too many things to choose from to pick just one best part. Holden has changed my life! I guess the best part is when he has a smile on his face or really when he is content. All I want to do is give him the best earthly life I can, and those smiles give me hope that I am.
Nathan: When he makes little noises, it always makes me smile. He seems to learn new ones every few days. I also like when he acts spastic. It can look like he is dancing. I call it his Thriller dance.
What has been the hardest part?:
Meredith: The hardest part has been trying to figure out Holden's needs. I don't know if I have quite mastered all of his cries, I am still somewhat unsuccessful at relieving his baby gas (although I started cheating by using medicine), and just recently his skin has erupted in a rash. BF has also been somewhat challenging for me. I went four weeks straight, but we introduced a bottle for a couple of feedings to relieve me. And, a regular sleep pattern hasn't quite emerged for either of us. These will all pass though!
Nathan: Although I feel bad when Holden is upset and don't feel all that bad when he is crying, it is very hard for me to watch Meredith be upset. She is a great mother and I just want her to realize that. I know Holden isn't always going to be happy (or happy with us).
What has been the most surprising?:
Meredith: Holden loves being with his mommy or daddy (and he gets that from his mommy!). When I was younger, I would only go to sleep for long stretches if I was on my mom or dad's chest and Holden is the same. Holden will sleep for stretches if he is touching one of us - on the chest or on the boppy. I'm also surprised at how strong he is. Holden can hold his neck up pretty well and he has a very strong grip. I love it when I stick my finger out for him to hold and he grabs it tight.
Nathan: The amount of patience we have with Holden and with each other. It probably helps that I haven't had a job for the last two months, but we are working through this transition to having a newborn with very little conflict. I didn't realize the amount of love I would immediately have for this child and my willingness to drop everything I'm doing for him.
What is your most memorable story from this month?:
Meredith: For me, it would be the birth story. I still cannot believe that Holden was inside of me growing for nine months plus. His first bath and the dishwasher incident are also quite memorable!
Nathan: The first time I dropped him. Ok, I'm kidding, I didn't drop him...yet. I would agree with birth and being pooped on a couple times.
What has Holden learned this month?:
Meredith: I feel like Holden is getting better and better at tummy time. I also think he is slowly starting to get on a better routine with eating, some activity time and then sleep.
Nathan: He has learned how to sleep in his crib. He's not always consistent with it or amenable to it, but he has proven he can.
What have you learned this month?:
Meredith: I have learned quite a bit! Everything from just how difficult it is to give birth to just how difficult it is to be a mom! Holden has taught me a new type of love too. I don't think I ever fully understood God's love for us until Holden came along. I cannot express the amount of love I have for my child, and I know that is only a small mirror of the love God has for His children. Amazing. I cannot wait to learn more!
Nathan: There are a billion opinions on how to raise a child and many of them are well respected in their fields. Also, don't believe everything you read on the internet. I think I already knew that one, but now it relates to advice on child rearing. But, seriously, my list of accomplishments for this month include learning how to change a diaper, learning how to bottle feed, figuring out many ways to hold him without dropping him, learning that the cats aren't very good at raising human children....the list goes on and on.
To celebrate Holden's one month, we took some pictures to track his growth and ate some delicious cake in honor of him. Here's looking to month two!

One Month Today!
His reaction when we told him UVA kids wear popped collars... ;)
I can't believe a whole month has gone by. Happy belated one month birthday Holden! Love you :) xoxo