On to month four review though! Lots of exciting things for this month, so here we go:
What has been the best part?:
The best part is watching Holden laugh and smile. I'm sure he is not laughing because something is funny and is probably smiling because he is mirroring my smiles, but it just makes my heart burst with joy to see him physically happy. I think as a parent, you always want your children to be happy and, for the most part, Holden is a happy little boy.
What has been the hardest part?:
The hardest part was when Nathan was gone for two days in a row. I have been thoroughly blessed to have Nathan with me every day for Holden's life. In August, he went on a two-day business meeting in Maryland and stayed overnight. I admit that it was tough to be in charge - all the diaper changes, spitting up, cranky moods, entertaining, and housework was on me. There was no Meredith-time, which I am quite spoiled in receiving. It makes me appreciate everything Nathan has done and all the moms who have to do that every day. All in all, though, I did it, so when Nathan does land that great job, I know Holden and I will be able to survive.
What has been the most surprising part?:
At the very end of August, Nathan and I decided to take the risk of letting Holden sleep without swaddling his arms. We had been using the Amazing Miracle Blanket for a few months and Holden was sleeping through the night. We did not want to mess with that combination, but we knew that we weren't supposed to swaddle him forever. We took the plunge, and I expected Holden to wake up every two hours screaming, but instead he was great. He stirred or cried about four times in the night - but it was very brief and he fell right back to sleep. He continues to sleep through the night with ease.
What is your most memorable story from this month?:
When we visited Chicago in July, Nana (Nathan's grandmother) predicted that Holden would roll over on Rose's (Nathan's sister) birthday (8/14). He did not. But, we decided to put him on his tummy a lot and we were constantly coaxing him to roll. Wouldn't you know it that the only days Nathan was away from Holden, he rolled over for the first time AND it was fairly close to Nana's prediction date (8/17). I was having fun putting Holden in various outfits, so I had the camera out and ready. He was on his tummy and after rocking back and forth and wiggling his cute behind, he rolled! I called Nathan immediately, my mom and Nathan's parents. I was such a proud mom - bummed that Nathan wasn't there - but still such a proud mom.
What has Holden learned this month?:
Holden is still learning at an exponential rate! He has learned to laugh, roll over, grab and pinch (at times really hard!). Holden is very vocal - he will "sing" to us and make lots of "ooooohhh" and "uuhhh" noises. Sometimes he will grunt too, but we try to discourage the grunting. Holden continues to sleep through the night (PTL!) and just in the past few days, Holden has started sleeping swaddle-free.
What have you learned this month?:
I think I was obsessed with getting Holden on a schedule. I read the Babywise book and a blog devoted to Babywise techniques. I am a schedule person because they are predictable and controllable. This month I think I have done better with listening to Holden's cues and letting him help me with a schedule, rather than trying to force him into one. It may mean that we are late or a little disheveled, but I know this is just a season and I need to enjoy it!
Weight: 18 lbs. (95%)
Height: 26 inches (90%)
Head: 17 inches (75%)
Two month stats:
Weight: 14 lbs., 8 oz. (95%)
Height: 25 inches (90%)
Head: 15.5 inches (70%)
One month stats:
Weight: 12 lbs., 2 oz. (95%)
Height: 24 inches (95%)
Head: 15 inches
Weight: 9 lbs., 5 oz.
Height: 22 inches
Head: 14 inches
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Um, ok is the photo shoot over? |
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