Friday, September 10, 2010

Are You Ready for some Football?

I am a big football fan. My dad instilled on us at a young age to love football, breathe football and play football - - I could only take that so far being a girl and all. Anyway, Nathan also enjoys watching, is a true Bears fan {hat - check, jersey - check, slippers - check}, and for the past few years he has also played Fantasy Football.

Even though I love football and all things associated with it, I've never tried Fantasy. Honestly, I was too scared to lose {I am a sore loser - there I said it!}.

This year Nathan convinced me to play a friendly league consisting of him, myself, Holden and my mom {my mom doesn't know she is a part of the league...shhhhh}.

I drafted Drew Brees as my quarterback, Adrian Peterson as my main running back and the rest I just picked who ESPN said were the top scorers.

This week, I am up against Holden. I have never wanted to lose so badly. Funny how children change you.

Our current "scoreboard"


  1. nice, looks like holden is a Green Bay fan....

  2. I refused to pick non-Bears NFC North players on my team, but I didn't put that restriction when I picked for Holden.
