Saturday, February 18, 2012


Holden, Maura and I were blessed to have our great friends, Crystal and Ava, come over for a playdate this week.

Holden and Ava play very well together. They share toys, make each other laugh and all-in-all have a good time. Even today, Holden is looking at the door and saying, "A-Wa." 

I also get a great benefit because I truly enjoy and cherish my friendship with Crystal. Her heart is on fire for God, she is a great wife, and a truly amazing mother. I always walk away refreshed after spending time with her. 

Hopefully our families can get together again soon! 

1 comment:

  1. O this melts my heart we always have such a great time with you and the kiddos and on occasion Nathan. We are truly blessed to have your family in our lives. Love ya!

    - C
