Sunday, January 23, 2011

Clip Clip

Nathan assumes you will think this post is about cutting Holden's hair, but we all know Holden doesn't have any hair. Our bald, cutie-pie:

No, I am talking about clip-clipping baby nails. Why did God make this such a difficult task? {Aside: Nathan thinks fingernails shouldn't grow until age two; and, he wants to know when children can start clipping their own nails. Five, five and a half, five and three-quarters - sometime around the age of five?}

When Holden was an infant, I used to clip them while he was nursing. Now, he squirms, pulls his fingers away from me, whines. This afternoon, I snuck into his room while he was still passed out in his nap and tried to clip them. Sneaky. He woke up, pulled his finger away and cried. Clearly, that did not work.

Luckily, Holden does not scratch himself. Unluckily, he likes to scratch me. More experienced moms - how do you clip nails?


  1. I am still trying to figure this one out?! Lady will no let me touch her finger nails or toe nails. I try and clip them while I am nursing but we are weaning so soon this will come to an end. I am thinking maybe I should try filing them?

  2. Great pix of our "bald, cutie pie." He is the cutest bald guy ever!

  3. ugh this was an all out battle with Noah for what felt like forever. He's much better about it now. I think it's just one of those stages you have to get through...the tears eventually go away.

  4. if you are still nursing that is the best time! now I seem to be only able to do one nail a night, she won't let me do any more!
