A while back I mentioned how Nathan and I were thinking of using cloth diapers instead of disposable. We decided to try two popular brands out there: bumGenius 3.0 and FuzziBunz. My friend Kristen also lent me three BG 3.0 diapers, which helped us see what a pattern of using cloth would be like.
After a few go rounds, there were just too many positives for us not to go cloth all the way. We noticed a few things:
1. Holden slept so much longer at night with a cloth diaper on than a disposable. The cloth diapers absorb so much more without the top layer feeling soaked.
2. The cost comparison just cannot be beat. We were going through TONS of disposables. Now, I will just have to wash them and we'll have a fresh batch.
3. Speaking of wash, it really was not that bad. I want to read up a little more on how to get stains out for sure, and invest in a sun dry line, but clean-up is pretty easy - slightly smelly, but not bad at all!
4. Diaper rash is almost non-existent with the cloth diapers. After about three or four disposables, Holden starts to develop a slight rash, but with cloth his bum is all clear! This will save on buying diaper rash cream, which is about $20 a bottle!
5. Explosions are minimal. Holden has only once leaked out of a cloth diaper, whereas there is at least one leak from the disposables a day. Outfits are saved and the amount of laundry is manageable.
6. Holden looks SO cute in a cloth diaper. The cloth diapers come in all sorts of colors, so it is much cuter to see color pop out of his onesies. Plus, his bum is a total bubble with them on - adorable!
We are going to order one more cloth diaper system - the Flip, but we have already ordered more bumGenius and are debating about more FuzziBunz. If you have any other advice on one-size cloth, please let us know!
Here is Holden modeling the cloth diaper look!

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