Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Merry First Christmas

 It was a lovely first Christmas for everyone this year! Holden had his very first Christmas experience and Nathan and I got to sit back as parents watching our little boy. While we missed our family in Chicago, it has been two years since we have been home for Christmas, and it was really nice to roll out of bed and walk to our tree.

Santa has been very pleased with Holden's behavior (sleeping through the night scores major points!), so he had many presents awaiting him. It took quite a bit of time to unwrap everything. Nathan and I would basically start unwrapping the present and Holden would rip a piece off and then examine it very carefully and very intently. The same discretion was given to tissue paper.

Baby's First Christmas

We eventually got all the boxes opened and in the end, it looked more like Melissa & Doug visited us instead of Santa.

My parents and brother came over later that day for Christmas dinner. Nathan made a delicious beef tenderloin stuffed with mushrooms and gorgonzola, and I made the traditional side dishes. It took a long time to prepare and only a few minutes to devour! 

After a very exciting day, it was hard to put Holden to bed, but eventually he drifted off to sleep as we read to him about the real meaning behind Christmas. I cannot wait until he truly understands what the birth of our Savior means.

Holden's Nativity Set from Aunt Elena and Uncle Bob Q

Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Give Peas a Chance?

This afternoon, Nathan and I took Holden to his six-month well-baby visit. As usual, I had a bunch of questions, and this time I asked about starting solids. The doctor told us we could start vegetables and fruits now that Holden was six months, so I immediately wanted to get started! 

Our doctor told us to start with vegetables first because fruits are sweeter and Holden would probably have a harder time transitioning from fruits to vegetables rather than vegetables to fruits. So, with that in mind, and a slim selection at the grocery store, we picked up some peas. 

I hate peas, and Nathan does not really like them either. We should have known - genetics don't lie. 

Holden is used to rice cereal with delicious mama milk in it. Holden gave peas a few spoonfuls chance, but after about four tries, it was time to call it a day.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

First Halloween

We had a very low-key Halloween this year. With Holden being only six-months, he wasn't quite into dressing up and getting candy {just you wait little guy!}.

Since many of Holden's clothes and toys have monkeys on them - it made perfect sense to have him dress as a monkey this year.

After taking a few photos at home, Nathan and I strolled Holden around our neighborhood. I think he was the cutest little monkey on the block! 

Trick or treating at our neighbor's house!

After about half an hour, Holden stuck his thumb in his mouth letting us know it was time to go home.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cox Farms

On Wednesday, October 6th, Holden and I went to Cox Farms with Anne, Grace and Lily. There was a great Groupon offered a few weeks back that gave us admission for $4 each, so it was a steal to go.

It had been raining for days, so the first day it was a clear sky we went. It was quite chilly, but we still had a great time!

We saw Caroline the cow get milked {there are no pictures of that because Holden saw milking and needed his own...}, piggies and piglets, chickens and chicks, goats and kids, more cows, llamas and my favorite - bunnies!

We decided to take a hayride with the kiddos. That was a big mistake on my part. At Cox Farms, I guess the hayride is geared for older children because they have aliens, a haunted house and an extremely loud choo choo horn that made Holden cry some of the largest crocodile tears I have seen.

Eventually, the sun came out in full force, Holden fell asleep in the Baby Bjorn and we fed the very hungry goats.

After all that, Holden got to take home his very own pumpkin, and we were on our way home.

We had so much fun, and hopefully we can make it to another farm this Fall!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Back to Tummy

No pictures this time - but Holden just rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time. Today he has been rolling from his tummy to back multiple times (we honestly thought he forgot since it has been so long), and he decided to roll from his back to tummy.

Holden is slowly starting to become more and more mobile. If I stick my hands behind his feet he pushes off of them with a big scoot. Rolling, scooting ... oh my.

Good thing October is safety month - I think we will be baby-proofing sooner than we thought!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Fashion Preview

For some reason, there are a lot fewer boys clothes than there are girls clothes {um, seriously, what is up with that?}. So, when I saw a site with many boy fashions for a very reasonable price, I let my little pointer click and ship.

I ordered Holden two t-shirts, a long sleeve onesie, a pajama outfit, jeans and the piece-de-la-resistonce - a navy puff vest. I could not resist!

The jeans may be a tad long...

 Nathan has a very similar vest. Don't my two guys look handsome? Like father, like son!

First Day of Work

Last week, Nathan started his new job with Manhattan Associates! Normally, work will have him traveling 50-60% of the time, but for this first month he will be traveling to Atlanta. Holden and I said goodbye as Nathan left for National. We are sad to see him go, but so very proud of our amazing husband/dad!

Happy Four Month-day!

First, I must point out that in my blogging fail, there is no Happy Three Month-day post. Sorry Holden. You will never know what happened in your life during those 30 days. Second, I started writing this post when Holden actually was just four months.

On to month four review though! Lots of exciting things for this month, so here we go:

What has been the best part?:
The best part is watching Holden laugh and smile. I'm sure he is not laughing because something is funny and is probably smiling because he is mirroring my smiles, but it just makes my heart burst with joy to see him physically happy. I think as a parent, you always want your children to be happy and, for the most part, Holden is a happy little boy.

What has been the hardest part?:
The hardest part was when Nathan was gone for two days in a row. I have been thoroughly blessed to have Nathan with me every day for Holden's life. In August, he went on a two-day business meeting in Maryland and stayed overnight. I admit that it was tough to be in charge - all the diaper changes, spitting up, cranky moods, entertaining, and housework was on me. There was no Meredith-time, which I am quite spoiled in receiving. It makes me appreciate everything Nathan has done and all the moms who have to do that every day. All in all, though, I did it, so when Nathan does land that great job, I know Holden and I will be able to survive. 

What has been the most surprising part?:
At the very end of August, Nathan and I decided to take the risk of letting Holden sleep without swaddling his arms. We had been using the Amazing Miracle Blanket for a few months and Holden was sleeping through the night. We did not want to mess with that combination, but we knew that we weren't supposed to swaddle him forever. We took the plunge, and I expected Holden to wake up every two hours screaming, but instead he was great. He stirred or cried about four times in the night - but it was very brief and he fell right back to sleep. He continues to sleep through the night with ease.

What is your most memorable story from this month?:
When we visited Chicago in July, Nana (Nathan's grandmother) predicted that Holden would roll over on Rose's (Nathan's sister) birthday (8/14). He did not. But, we decided to put him on his tummy a lot and we were constantly coaxing him to roll. Wouldn't you know it that the only days Nathan was away from Holden, he rolled over for the first time AND it was fairly close to Nana's prediction date (8/17). I was having fun putting Holden in various outfits, so I had the camera out and ready. He was on his tummy and after rocking back and forth and wiggling his cute behind, he rolled! I called Nathan immediately, my mom and Nathan's parents. I was such a proud mom - bummed that Nathan wasn't there - but still such a proud mom. 

What has Holden learned this month?:
Holden is still learning at an exponential rate! He has learned to laugh, roll over, grab and pinch (at times really hard!). Holden is very vocal - he will "sing" to us and make lots of "ooooohhh" and "uuhhh" noises. Sometimes he will grunt too, but we try to discourage the grunting. Holden continues to sleep through the night (PTL!) and just in the past few days, Holden has started sleeping swaddle-free. 

What have you learned this month?:
I think I was obsessed with getting Holden on a schedule. I read the Babywise book and a blog devoted to Babywise techniques. I am a schedule person because they are predictable and controllable. This month I think I have done better with listening to Holden's cues and letting him help me with a schedule, rather than trying to force him into one. It may mean that we are late or a little disheveled, but I know this is just a season and I need to enjoy it!

Weight: 18 lbs. (95%)
Height: 26 inches (90%)
Head: 17 inches (75%)
Two month stats:
Weight: 14 lbs., 8 oz. (95%)
Height: 25 inches (90%)
Head: 15.5 inches (70%)
One month stats:
Weight: 12 lbs., 2 oz. (95%)
Height: 24 inches (95%)
Head: 15 inches
Weight: 9 lbs., 5 oz.
Height: 22 inches
Head: 14 inches

Um, ok is the photo shoot over?