Nathan and I decided to take a trip out to Itasca and Fontana to visit the Bagni and Sandell side of the family the third week of July. Holden breezed through his first plane ride - bearing a 4AM wake-up, security lines and a slightly delayed take-off. We landed safely, without any tears from any of us, and Holden was quickly engulfed by hugs, kisses and smiles from his grandparents and aunts. Later that evening, Nana came over and met Holden. I think she was pretty excited, and Holden was happy to meet his Great Grandmother too!
On Wednesday, Grandpa Stu came over after his dentist appointment and met Holden, and then the four of us drove to Fontana for a visit to the lake. After seven years, this was the first time I have even been to the famed lake. I tried to go on the boat with Nathan and GS, but I have to admit that water still scares me after the 2008 oar incident!
Nathan's uncle Gregg and aunt Robbie were also at the lake. Stu, Gregg, Nathan and Holden all share the middle name Read. One day, if Holden has a son, we hope his middle name will also carry the tradition of Read.
Stuart Read, Gregg Read, Nathaniel Read, Holden Read |
Grandma Ginny was a wonderful hostess to us all. She made delicious meals and had Holden in smiles.
On Thursday, Connie, Rose and Hilary drove up to join us at the lake. We walked around the lake a little, saw some huge houses and boats, and made Holden laugh for the first time! Grandpa Stu and Grandma Ginny have a monkey puppet at their house and apparently Holden thought he was hilarious. We do not have the audio proof, but we'll capture it soon and post it.
We left the lake late Thursday night. Before we left, we got another four generation shot!
Stu, Connie, Nathan and Holden |
We had a wonderful visit in Chicago and Fontana with our wonderful family. We love you all very much and we can't wait for Holden to see his family again soon!
Thanks for everything Grandma and Grandpa!